Tag Archives: fitness resoures

Refresh your workout routine with Apps

Breaking through that plateau

Have you ever gotten to a point in your workout/diet routine that you just somehow couldn’t seem to get past? Doing the same workout, and sticking to the same diets without change for a long period of time will eventually cause you to encounter a plateau. A plateau can take the form of anything from an inability to increase strength, or a difficult time breaking past a certain weight barrier. In order to avoid plateaus, its best to periodically switch up your workout or diet in order to continually challenge your body and push yourself to your limits.

There’s an app for that!

Here are two free apps available in the Apple App store that can inspire you to switch up your boring routine. Each app comes with a list of programed workouts which you can do anywhere, including the gym, the park, between class, or even at home.


image via iTunes

Workout trainer allows you to browse and download various workouts. Workouts are sorted either by muscle group, or type. Categories include Strength, stretching, butt& Legs, abs, weight loss, yoga and many more. You can also select a category and hit the “Shake” feature to select a workout at random. You can find workouts that suite your needs. Each workout is “coached” by a speaker, similar to the way you expect your GPS to give you turn-by-turn directions. The app is available at a Freemium, meaning that some features can only be unlocked with an in app purchase.You can connect with friends who also use this app to compare workout routines.

image via iTunes

image via iTunes

Another app that is handy for inspiration is the Nike Training Club. This easy to navigate and well designed app also features a number of workouts which you can browse and download. The app keeps track of your total workout time, and rewards you at certain benchmarks. You can browse apps by goal (as pictured above) including the “Get Focused” category which shows workouts that target a specific area of the body. The app also features a number of “Bonus workouts” provided by guest celebrities.

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